Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Xbox Live Update

Ok here is what my gamertags will be used for so add accordingly:

II Skizzors II - A lot of games, but mainly; MLG Halo 3.

CallMehSkizz - Halo 3, boosting for Halo 3 in dubs also.

Commandown - For fun on Halo 3

Swordmaster7705 - Some Halo 3, but mostly Rock Band 2.

Thanks and Happy New Years!


Friday, December 26, 2008

Quick Contact Update

If you have any requests, questions, or anything else you need to contact me about here are your options to contact me:

AIM - Swordmaster7705

email - hslblog@live.com

Xbox Live Gamertag - II Skizzors II, CallMehSkizz, Commandown, Swordmaster7705 (In honor of my aim username since 5th grade)

Monday, December 22, 2008

New Xbox Live Gamertag starting Christmas

Quick announcement everyone! As you well know, I am a gamer and I will have another account on Christmas. The account will be posted at the end of this quick blog. I will be playing Rock Band, Halo 2/3, Viva Pinata (yeah seriously), and Mirror's Edge. I will also be broadcasting live at justin.tv/skizzors. Thanks for all your support!


New GT: Swordmaster7705

EDIT: I decided that my aim username that I have been using since 5th grade should get some kind of appreciation. So the gamertag is 'Swordmaster7705'.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Posts are also on myspace

This is from my latest.

Hey everyone. I really have nothing to do right now so I thought I would write up a quick blog while I listen to some music.

If you have been around me in the past week you'll know that my iPhone was stolen. As depressing as that was I got a 10 day suspension off the bus. But the good news is I got a new phone and I can ride the bus again (which isn't great news but oh well). My phone is the same, but if everyone how reads this could send me a text or leave me a voicemail on how you are so I can get you back in my contact book. Just in case you don't have my it is, (XXX) XXX-XXXX.

Grades have gone up since I last did a blog type deal. What else, what else.... oh yes, I'm writing some songs and I need a good singer since I suck at singing. Message me if your interested. Nothing much is going to happen over this winter break. Well if anyone wants to text me go right ahead.

Thanks for reading,
